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Declaration of information requirements

The protection of your personal data is important for us. We will process your data solely on the basis of legal regulations. In this data protection declaration, we will inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within our website.

AEZ WHEELS GmbH, Leobersdorfer Strasse 24, A-2552 Hirtenberg, alloy@alcar-wheels.com, T: +43 2256 801-114, F: +43 2256 801-119

Purpose of data processing

If you contact us via the form on the website (“contact us”) or email, we will store and process the stated data for processing and answering your request, for needed follow-ups and for documentation purposes. When visiting our site, we store your IP-address for the purpose of analysing the behaviour of the user (details see points “Cookies” and “Web-analysis” below) On demand we have a newsletter service for informing you about the latest news about our company and products, and to be able to do that, we process your e-mail address, Name, place of residence and – in case of competitions – also your car brand and wheel rim (details see section “Newsletter”)

Legal basis of data processing

Consent respectively legitimate interest (fraud prevention); compliance with legal regulations.

Recipient of the data

Processing of data by a third party is given with our advent-competition. The data will be collected by Patrick Wallisch (Systeme-D, Lastenstrasse 41, 1230 Vienna, Austria), stored for the duration of the competition and forwarded to us. Other than that, a transmission of data is only happening as described in the section “web analysis”.

If you contact us via the form on the website (“contact us”) or email, we will store your data for 5 years. For sending newsletters, we will store your data until unsubscription. For the advent-competition until completion. After that the respective data will be deleted.

Data protection rights

You have generally a right to information, rectification, erasure, data portability, restriction of processing and the right to object. If the processing is based on consent, you can revoke it at any time. All mentioned rights can be exercised by e-mail, telephone, personal contact, post or fax (contact data see “Responsible party” or the imprint).
You have to identify yourself as affected person and contribute to identification, to guarantee, that the answers to the exertion of the respective right are actually addressed to the affected person.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. In Austria this is the “Datenschutzbehörde”.

You can contact us via the contact form on our website or via e-mail. We will attempt to process your request as fast as possible and subsequently contact you. To be able to do that, we process your data as described above. By contacting us, you consent to the processing of your data as described above.

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser. They are not harmful. We use cookies to enhance the user friendliness of our web page. Some cookies will stay in your system, until they are deleted.
Cookies allow us to recognize our website users using the unique cookie ID.
You may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Furthermore, already set cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. If you deactivate the setting of cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable.

Our website uses functions of the web analytics service Google Analytics (Google LLC (“Google”), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.)
It uses cookies, who enable an analysis of the user behaviour on the website. The generated information is transferred to the servers of the provider and saved there.
This can be prevented, by changing your browser settings to not saving cookies.
Your IP-address is recorded, but immediately pseudonymized. This will enable a rough localisation but not an exact allocation to a person. No information will be sent, that can be used by Google to identify a person.
The relationship to the provider is based on a adequacy decision of the European Commission („EU-US Privacy Shield “). Google LLC has the necessary certificate.
We have concluded a corresponding processing contract with the provider.
The processing of data is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions of Article 6 (1) (a) (consent) and/or (f) (legitimate interest) GDPR.
More details about terms of use and data protection are to be found under https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/ or under https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en. We want to point out, that on this website Google Analytics was enhanced by the „gat._anonymizeIp();“ code, to secure an anonymized recording of IP-addresses (IP-masking).

You have the possibility on our website to subscribe to our newsletter. Therefor we need your e-mail-address and your declaration, that you are consent with getting the newsletter and the necessary processing of your data for this purpose.
To be able to provide you with purposefully information, we survey and process next to your e-mail-address also name, place of residence and, in case of competitions, also your car brand and desired wheel rim.
If you subscribe to our newsletter, we send you a confirmation e-mail containing a link for confirmation of your subscription.
You can terminate the subscription of our newsletter at any time. At the end of each newsletter there is a link, enabling you easy termination of the subscription. Subsequently we will delete all of your data in connection with the newsletter subscription.


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