Гта 5 мод на физику авто

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Realistic car physics 1.0

322d85 xenav edit

More mods by XENORT:


Adds realistic suspension and other stuff to vehicles behavior. Includes cars from DLCs. Tested with original cars models.

-Put «handling.meta» in update\update.rpf\common\data


23 комментария

More mods by XENORT:

Adds realistic suspension and other stuff to vehicles behavior. Includes cars from DLCs. Tested with original cars models.

-Put «handling.meta» in update\update.rpf\common\data


a2c295 indir

weather link pleas

5cab68 GT2

graphics from the video are just visualv and maybe a reshade combined with it. Reshade might be naturalvision photorealistic

322d85 xenav edit

@Hades v Rekoilz @EmreNizam @Willief23
I’m using MVGA mod (Make visuals great again v2.0)
I will try to make something with this, thanks
I will think about it.

a2c295 indir

322d85 xenav edit


@XENORT, Hello XENORT. Can you help me? I need some cars cartoon. Can you make them?
I will pay for you.
My skype: o2401o
Please contact me.



This mod really does make the cars look more realistic and bounce around more on the suspension. Love this mod, thanks man! @XENORT 9/10!


Damn, Good job with suspension but it has too much of bounce. Originally cheap or bad suspension springs do this bouncy thing. If you would cut that in half that would be more to the point. Also some suspensions too soft, sports cars as the Audi r8 you drove when you just get in the car all car shakes, that should not be the case. It should shake due to added weight yeah but not that much. I also notice you figured out how to soften bike suspension, I just could not find a way. Some improvements needed but I like where this is heading. Good work!

0e89a1 nintchdbpict000280201429


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Semi-Realistic Vehicle Physics V 1.9.6


More mods in vehicles category:

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da3375 2015 12 16 00001

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Info: Skipped 1.9.5 due to bugs.
-Resolved Sultan RS and Banshee2 Speed (which also solved issue with Banshee’s dials not working in cockpit)
— Fixed DLC cars deformation
— Fixed Police3 suspension
— Added DLC cars to the additional files. Please repleace Popgroups.ymt
— Fixed Stalion not appearing on the roads due to wrong naming (OPTIONAL FILE)
— Added Kalahari on Countryside roads (OPTIONAL FILE)

Added files that enable DLC vehicles on the road to be seen!
These files are for enabling DLC cars on the road as well as adding character specific vehicles to be seen on road.
It also adds more Post-vans, police cars, police peds on the roads and sidewalks. Also it adds some rare vehicles etc. Use with caution.

Instructions how to install are below.

Due to difficulties with removing sinwave motion simulation (turbulence & wind) sadly turbulence version is discontinued for now.

Previous version (included in the package for those who prefered them):
— Improvements for vehicle mass
— Fixed Adder’s speed
— Improved top speed of Baller3,4,5,6
— Improved Speed of Progen T20
— Other Minor fixes and improvements

This mod is NOT for people who look for total realism.

This mod is the one I’ve been working on for quite some time.

We all know that V driving physics are boring. They tend to be too easy, car suspension being too hard or that damage is terrible and we all know that there has to be a balance between realism and fun, right?

Well, this mod does just that. I’ve spent around 160 hours on making this. For me personally total simulation in arcade game such as GTA is a no go. So everyone who likes something in between, this mod is for them. I’ve tried to make this one as believable as possible.

Basically what it does is make car physics mix between IV and V. The suspension in cars is not too hard and not too soft, it’s between V and IV. Vehicles don’t have high understeer like some other mods have, or too high turning radius at high speeds. Here if you will be driving at high speed your car can drift/spin, if you hit a wall, there is a chance of you jamming your wheel completely.

Since I’ve began making this mod, I’ve always wondered why police and their cruisers have unhealthy advantage over your car, making pursuits agitating. The chases felt a little bland with that old damage modelling that I thought that maybe, just maybe if I could increase somehow deformation, I could make chases a lot more exciting and introduce few new tactics that can help you escape, or get you into even more trouble if you’re careless.

Thanks to twice increased deformation, you and police have equal chances of getting knocked out. We all know that police cruises love to smash into your back, right? Well now Ai will smash into you, but they have to take risks because 5 hits and their car can be on fire and knocked out of the chase. Same goes to player.

New tactic in regards to damage makes police equally vulnerable. If you hit them in the front side panel where wheel is (or any of the wheels really), you have high chance of jamming their wheel and making them unable to catch up with you. Same goes to player. You can do that to any car pretty much, making chases even more exciting (atleast for me) and make you THINK before you crash into someone or something.

Add that drop of realism to the car physics and you got yourself a fun mix between simulation and arcade that V lacks, but IV had (however overdone).

This mod includes all DLC vehicles, including newest updates. It also removes turbulence from aircrafts/helis and improves slightly bike driving (however thanks to me being rather vehicle NERD I’ve spent more time on cars and trucks rather than planes and bikes, but don’t worry, I will keep this one up to date.

— Softer suspension, a mix between V and IV.
— A bit more realistic car physics that applies to all cars including DLC ones.
— Increased twice car deformation, introducing few new tactics to chases
— Removed turbulence from aircrafts/helicopters
— Slightly improved vanilla bike physics
— Trucks have now 8 or 10 gears (however I don’t think it works right so please test it and give feedback)

Use OpenIV and drop handling.meta file into update.rpf/common/data.

Instructions for installing additional files:
1. Use OpenIV to insert popcycle.dat and vehicles.meta into update.rpf/common/data/levels/gta5
2. Using OpenIV move popgroups.ymt to update.rpf/x64/levels/gta5

If there are issues, please tell me. Also give me suggestions, I will do everything I can to satisfy mod users so don’t hesitate to tell me what bothers you here.


Semi-Realistic Car Physics v1.9.6

rating onrating onrating onrating on rating on

После выхода в свет GTA 5 многих, кто ждал от игры полной реалистичности, разочаровала физика движения автомобилей. Хоть игра и является аркадой, физика San Andreas пришлась не по душе многим почитателям серии. Мод Semi-Realistic Car Physics исправит положение дел.

Вы получите, что-то среднее между управлением транспорта IV и V части GTA. Деформация авто увеличена в несколько раз, что делает полицейскую машину в одинаковой степени уязвимой с вашей, так как спустя пять ударов будет происходить воспламенение. От сильного удара могут заклинить колеса и больше вы не сдвинетесь с места.

gruzovik gta 5

Инструкция по установке Semi-Realistic Car Physics.

Для работы OpenIV на компьютере должен быть установлен ASI-плагин Script Hook V.

Обновлено до версии v1.9.6:

Обновлено до версии v1.7.5:

Если возникли сложности, обратитесь к детальной инструкции по установке модов на ГТА 5 или задайте вопрос в комментариях.


15624109681085 gta52019 07 0602 07 55 17

Global Vehicle Mod v0.1.

Данная модификация задумывалась как симуляция износа покрышек, но со временем переросла в нечто большее.

2. Симуляция температуры двигателя, вентилятора, антифриза. Зависит от оборотов, изношенности двигателя, погоды, времени суток, скорости.

3. Симуляция температуры тормозов. Зависит от скорости, усилия нажатия на тормоз, модификации тормозов и собственной температуры тормозов.

4. Переключение режима торможения двигателем (тормоз + выбор оружия)

6. Включение/выключение двигателя (тормоз + ручной тормоз на стоящем автомобиле). Можно оставить машину заведенной, выйдя из нее.

7. Увеличение жесткости подвески при стандартном занижении

8. Включение/выключение неона вместе с головным освещением.

9. Фиксирование вертикального угла камеры от 3-го лица

10. Дополнительный тюнинг двигателя в магазинах мода, отмеченных на карте:
10.1 Интеркулер 1,2,3 Stage (при установленной турбине)
10.2 Распредвалы под мощность, крутящий момент и сбалансированный
10.3 Впускные коллекторы
10.4 Выпускные коллекторы
10.5 Топливные рампы
10.6 Маховики

11. Электронная диагностика ЭБУ в магазинах мода, отмеченных на карте

14. Износ двигателя*, особенно при езде на максимальных оборотах, особенно на непрогретом/перегретом двигателе.

В мод вложено огромное количество сил и времени, особенно при том, что это мой первый скрипт. Работаю я над ним уже года два в свободное время и по настроению, но если вы хотите видеть быстрое развитие мода, новые фишки, или просто вам нравится идея и/или реализация, то читайте Readme.


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Vehicle Physics Upgrade v2.4

a95a9d E

More mods by Enumerator:


This mod will simulate down-force on vehicles traveling at speed.

Vehicles in air will also continue to simulate aerodynamics.
Vehicular Physics seem to be improved also.

Added Vehicular Check.
Enhanced downforce by taking into account gravitational forces.
Removed control over vehicle when in air/upside down.
Modified parameter that prevents vehicle getting stuck when one wheel is not on ground.

Requires scripthookv and scripthookvdotnet
Place DLL inside «scripts» folder and press ‘insert’ in game to load the script then press ‘J’ to enable, Assuming you have key 74 set as your keycode parameter inside the config [*.ini]

57 комментариев

More mods by Enumerator:

This mod will simulate down-force on vehicles traveling at speed.

Vehicles in air will also continue to simulate aerodynamics.
Vehicular Physics seem to be improved also.

Added Vehicular Check.
Enhanced downforce by taking into account gravitational forces.
Removed control over vehicle when in air/upside down.
Modified parameter that prevents vehicle getting stuck when one wheel is not on ground.

Requires scripthookv and scripthookvdotnet
Place DLL inside «scripts» folder and press ‘insert’ in game to load the script then press ‘J’ to enable, Assuming you have key 74 set as your keycode parameter inside the config [*.ini]


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