Где найти машину в unturned

Где найти машину в unturned

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В данном руководстве содержатся все транспортные средства из мира Unturned.


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Новые добавленные транспортные средства в текущей версии:

— Нет изменений транспортных средств.

Текущая версия Unturned:
Последнее обновление Unturned: 29.04.2016

Текущая версия руководства: 1.0.2
Последнее обновление руководства: 04.05.2016

В мире Unturned существует множество транспортных средств начиная от простых автомобилей, заканчивая вертолетами и самолетами. В этом руководстве содержаться все существующие транспортные средства, разложенные по категориям:

Синтаксис написание команды должен строго соблюдаться, иначе команда попросту не сработает.




Автомобили являлись единственным транспортом в игре (В версии 2.1.4). В Unturned 3.0 не только увеличили количество видов автомобилей, но и добавили авиацию и водный транспорт.

Машины различаются не только внешним видом, но и характеристиками. Во всех автомобилях есть фары (включающиеся нажатием правой кнопки мыши) и клаксон (включающийся нажатием левой кнопки мыши).


В некоторых машинах есть сирена (по умолчанию она активируется клавишей левый Ctrl):


Виды транспорта

Гражданские автомобили

Название Фото МС, км/ч Бак, канистр Сидений Прочность
Хэтчбэк Hatchback Hatchback 67 6 4 650
Внедорожник Offroader Offroader 57 8 4 600
Родстер Roadster Roadster2 72 5 2 500
Седан Sedan Blue Sedan at Alberton 58 6 4 600
Пикап Truck Truck 46 7 5 550
Фургон Van Van 52 6 5 600

Автомобили экстренных служб

Армейские автомобили

Самодельные автомобили

Поломка и починка

При ударе или выстреле по автомобилю он теряет прочность. Зомби тоже наносят урон автомобилю, если вы в нем сидите (Если ехать быстрее 25 км/ч, зомби погибают при столкновении).



Спустя несколько секунд он взрывается, подлетая высоко в воздух, после чего на земле остается лежать дымящийся остаток автомобиля.

С бетаверсии 3.0+, при взрыве авто, из машины дропается металлолом.

Починить автомобиль можно с помощью BlowTorch


Необходимо взять BlowTorch, подойти к автомобилю, нажать ЛКМ и подождать полного восстановления прочности (уничтоженный автомобиль починить нельзя)




Есть автомобили, в которые сесть нельзя. Например на мосту танк или пострадавшие в аварии на дороге к маяку:


Где найти машину в unturned

4 star large


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Телепортироваться к игроку: @teleport ник игрока (который будет телепортирован)/ник игрока (к которому будут телепортированы)

Телепортироваться в какоето место типо города или еще чево: @teleport (ваш ник)/(название места ферма, город и.т.д.)

Выдать предмет: @give (ник игрока)/(айди премета)/(количество)

Заспавнить транспорт: @vehicle (ник игрока)/(айди транспорта)

Выдать опыт: @experience (ник игрока)/(количество опыта)

Смена времени @time (время например: 1)

Сделать ночь: @night
Сделать игрока админом: @admin (ник игрока)

Отобрать у игрока админку: @unadmin (ник игрока)

Написать текст от имени сервера: @say (текст)

Смена погоды: @storm

109- Радужная машинка
[4 Места|107 Скорость]

1337- PaintBoll Gun
1339-1344- Разноцветный шарики для PaintBoll Gun




Driving in third person.


Driving in first person.


Underside of a vehicle.

In Unturned, vehicles are mobile objects that are found across the Playable Maps. They are primarily used by Players to travel long distances quickly.

There are five classes of vehicles in the game; Civilian, Emergency (or Civil Service), Military Vehicles, flying vehicles, and Makeshift Vehicles (crafted). Each class has its own specialities; i.e. Military vehicles are generally stronger, while Emergency vehicles have sirens.

Most Unturned vehicles also have headlights which can be turned on by pressing the right mouse button (by default). Leaving the headlights on for too long when the vehicle isn’t running will drain the battery. Vehicles with a dead battery will not start.

Vehicle Properties

All vehicles require fuel in order for the player to operate them. New, unused vehicles start with 0-40% fuel; players either use the fuel to travel a small distance, or they can use gas cans or bigger gas cans to maintain the chosen vehicle until they find a much better one. Vehicles with higher fuel capacities have greater travel range.

Each type of vehicle has different fuel capacities. For example, Dune Buggies have a maximum capacity of 400 fuel units (the lowest), while APC’s and Urals have a maximum capacity of 2500 fuel units (the highest). You can determine the maximum fuel capacity of a vehicle by noting how many gas cans are required to completely fuel the vehicle. One full gas can holds 500 fuel units.

On creation, vehicles have a 5% chance to be at max fuel, a 25% chance to be empty, and a 70% chance to have a fuel level from max/20 to min/5, which is randomly determined.

As of, all vehicles spawned by the vehicle command will have 100% fuel and health.


Vehicles have different top speeds. To accelerate to the vehicle’s top speed, players are required to hold down the «W» key (or whatever key is bound as the «forward key»). Once the vehicle has reached its top speed, it will stop accelerating and move at a constant velocity unless the car is turning or the acceleration key is no longer being held down. It is important to note that faster velocities equate to losses in handling. The highest top speed is 161 kph (100 mph), held by the Fighter Jet.

Damage and Repairing

Vehicles lose durability if some tasks are performed, much like items. These tasks include hitting zombies, players, animals, barricades, objects, or directly damaging the vehicle with weapons. Damage can be physically observed when a vehicle starts smoking. At 30% durability, the vehicle’s engine will start emitting gray smoke. If the player continues to damage the vehicle, it will then emit a darker, thick smoke. Eventually, if the vehicle is damaged enough, it will catch on fire, and eventually explode. The player may get caught in the explosion if they do not exit the vehicle fast enough. When a vehicle explodes, it will spawn Metal Scrap around it.

Repairing vehicles requires a Blowtorch. The player must hold the blowtorch over a vehicle until the hit-marker disappears. If the hit-marker does not appear, it means that the vehicle is at full health.

Additionally, vehicles deal damage to any damageable objects that they hit; the damage dealt depends on the speed that the vehicle was travelling. This provides a relatively easy way for players to kill large hordes of zombies, animals, or even well-equipped players if the vehicle is travelling fast enough. It also allows players to fell trees or mine boulders without tools.


A vehicle will have a chance to spawn with a battery. This must be above 0% for the vehicle to start. Running the engine will charge the battery, while leaving the headlights or siren on without the engine running will drain it. If a vehicle’s battery charge reaches 0%, the battery is destroyed entirely and will need to be replaced. A battery can be removed from a vehicle by entering the vehicle, opening the it’s GUI and inventory [G] and clicking [Steal Battery]. To install a battery, equip it and left-click on the vehicle. Replacement batteries can be found at gas stations.


Non-tracked vehicles feature tires. If the vehicle runs over caltrops or the tires are destroyed using weapons, the vehicle’s handling will be affected or the vehicle may be immobilized. Replacement tires can occasionally be found at gas stations.


In the current version of Unturned 3.0, it is possible to build on top of and inside vehicles the same way you can build on the ground; that is, you can put Barbed Wire, Sandbags, Crates, etc. on or in your vehicle. Be aware, though, that doing so will alter the handling characteristics of the vehicle; stacking too many objects on the roof can make it very unstable, and adding lots of weight will make it accelerate and turn more slowly. Also note that other players can’t stand atop moving vehicles, making roof-shooting impractical. When a vehicle is destroyed, any and all structures on it are also destroyed, with storage structures like crates dropping their contents just as they would when destroyed while placed on the ground.

Locking and Car jacking

All vehicles in Unturned 3 can be locked by pressing the [O] key by default. A locked vehicle cannot be entered by other players, except for players belonging to the same group as the player who locked the vehicle. An unauthorized player can use a Stealy Wheely Automobiley to enter a locked vehicle, but will mark the player as an «aggressor»


Most vehicles have an inventory («trunk space»), which can be accessed by pressing the same key as is used to access the Player’s inventory, G by default while in the driver’s seat. Items can be transferred into here in the same way as any other container. Be aware that the vehicle will be idling and burning fuel when transferring items. If planning a lengthy stay and/or frequent item transfers, it may be wise to steal the vehicle’s battery to avoid wasting fuel. A good alternative is to place storage structures like crates on the vehicle and access those. When a vehicle is destroyed, its inventory contents drop to the ground.

Vehicle Spawn Probability

The Vehicle Spawn Probability of any single vehicle in the game is the chance that it will spawn after destroying a previous vehicle and restarting the server/waiting for the vehicle respawn timer to expire. It is often measured in percentage but can also be expressed as a fraction. The spawn probability is map-dependent, as some vehicles only spawn on certain maps.

Vehicle Information Tables

Civilian Vehicles

Name Speed (km/h) Seats Gas Capacity (units) Health Armored Weaponry Grade Type Vehicle Based
Auto 74 4 150 ?
Bus 54 10 225 ?
Beetle 74 4 150 14%
Bulldozer 45 1 200 ?
Cargo Train 133 3 ? ?
Cargo Truck 70 2 ? ?
Cement Truck 62 2 150 ?
Delivery Truck 53 2 225 8%
Dirtbike 58 1 100 ?
Dumptruck 54 1 250 ?
Dune Buggy 60 2 40 ?
Explorer 58 2 200 ?
Ghost 99 2 140 100%
Golfcart 45 2 40 ?
Hatchback 67 4 150 19%
Luggage Car 44 1 40 ?
Metaforá** 58 7 225 ?
Moon Buggy 67 2 150 ?
Offroader 57 4 200 20%
Quad 61 2 100 ?
Rabbit 74 4 150 ?
Racecar 122 1 80 ?
Roadster 85 2 125 6%
Rover 56 4 200 ?
Sedan 73 4 150 17%
Scavenger 80 2 150 ?
Skid Loader 44 1 100 ?
Sport Dune Buggy 69 2 85 ?
Sportscar 85 2 125 ?
Snowmobile 61 1 100 ?
Taxi 74 4 150 ?
Toiler 63 4 200 ?
Tractor 45 1 200 ?
Truck 60 5 175 18%
Van 65 5 150 18%

Emergency Vehicles

Name Speed (km/h) Seats Gas Capacity (Units) Spawn Probability*
Ambulance 69 4 200 N/A
Firetruck 65 2 225 N/A
Fire Chief 69 4 200 N/A
Fire Tanker 65 2 225 N/A
Police Car 75 4 175 N/A
Police Jeep 71 4 175 ?
Police Motorcycle 59 1 100 N/A
Armored Police Truck 62 6 220 N/A
Prison Truck 63 8 200 N/A

*Each of the emergency vehicles have their own dedicated spawn points and thus do not have an applicable spawn probability.


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